Creates an array of entities, in a circular pattern.
Associatively distributes entity copies evenly in a circular pattern about a center point or axis of rotation, using multiple rows and levels.
- ASsociative
- Determines whether an array entity is created or a series of copies of the selected entities.Note: The default setting is saved by the ARRAYASSOCIATIVITY system variable.Note: Parameters for associative arrays can be specified with parametric expressions set in the Array properties, found in Mechanical browser, Properties panel or through the ARRAYEDIT command.
- Base point
- Sets the base point of the array. Items are placed relative to the base point.
- Items
- Specifies the number of items in the array.
- Angle between
- Specifies the angle between two subsequent items.
- Expression
- A mathematical formula or equation can be used to derive the value.
- Fill angle
- Specifies the angle between the first and last item.
- ROWs
- Specifies the number of rows, the spacing between subsequent rows and the incremental elevation.
- Distance
- Specifies the distance between subsequent rows.
- Total
- Specifies the distance between the first and the last row.
- Incremental elevation between rows
- Specifies the increasing or decreasing elevation for each subsequent row.
- Levels
- Creates 3D arrays by specifying the number and spacing of levels.
- Distance
- Specifies the distance between subsequent levels by typing a value or picking two points.
- Total
- Specifies the distance between the bottom and the top level.
- ROTate
- Determines whether items are rotated around the circular path or they preserve the orientation of the source entities.
- eXit
- Accept the current settings and conclude the command.