Creates a dimension that measure the length of an arc or polyarc. The dimension is based on the current dimension style. Options allow you to include a leader and specify the angle and contents of the dimension text.
Methods to create an arc length dimension
There is one method to begin creating an arc length dimension:
Select arc or polyline arc segment
Select arc or polyline arc segment
Begin creating an arc length dimension by selecting an arc or polyline arc segment then:
Location of dimension arc
Specify a point to locate the position of the dimension arc.
Additional options: [Angle/Text/Partial/Leader]
Arc segment
Location of dimension arc
Options within the DIMARC command
After you begin creating an arc length dimension, the following options may be available:
Specify the angle of the dimension text. A value of 0 aligns the dimension text with the dimension line. Any other value rotates the dimension text relative to the x-axis of the current UCS.
Enter text to override the default dimension text which includes the measured length of the dimension. You can use two angle brackets <> to display the measured length of the dimension in addition to other text.
Specify a point for the first extension line then:
Specify second point for arc length dimension
Specify a point for the second extension line.
Location of dimension arc
Specify the location of the dimension line.
Additional options: [Angle/Text/Partial]
First point of arc length dimension
Second point of arc length dimension
Arc segment
Location of dimension arc
Toggle on a leader from the dimension text to the arc.
No leader
Toggle off the leader from the dimension text to the arc.