Label Style Editor dialog box

The Label Style Editor dialog box allows you to label styles.

  1. Info tab
  2. General tab
  3. Components tab
  4. Dragged state

Info tab

Displays information about the label style.

Sets and displays the label style name.
Sets and display the description of the label style.
Displays Last saved by and Last saved date.

General tab

Defines general label settings.

Text style

Sets the text style from the drop-down list.

Note: Use the Drawing Explorer to manage text styles.
Label visibility
Toggles the label visibility in the drawing.

Sets the Layer for the label from the drop-down list.

Note: Use the Layers panel to manage layers.
Orientation reference
Sets the orientation reference of labels relative to the associated Object, the screen View orientation, or the World Coordinate System (WCS) from the drop-down list.
Forced insertion
Specifies the position of a label relative to an object:
  • None: Maintains label position oriented relative to the object.
  • Top: Modifies label position to be above an object.
  • Bottom: Modifies label position to be below an object.
Plan readable
Toggles the readability flip parameter.
Readability bias
Sets the angle above which the point label text is rotated to a readable angle.
Flip anchors with text
Toggles the flip anchors with the text for the label.

Components tab

Adds and manages Label Style components.

  1. Add new component
  2. List of components
  3. Components properties
  4. Edit
Add new component
Adds new Text, Block, Line, and/or Arrow components to define Label Style.
List of components

Lists the specified components of the Label Style.

Draw order
Displays the components on the draw order. The draw order can be changed by typing the new position number for the component.
Component name
Displays the components names. The list can be sorted alphabetically.
Anchored to
Defines the dependence between Label Style components.
Anchor point
Defines the anchor point of the dependent component by choosing it from the drop-down list.
Toggles the visibility on the component.
Removes the component.
Components properties
Displays the properties of the component, which can be edited.

Data / Text component properties


Displays text content of the Label Style. To add, edit or remove attributes displayed in the label, select Edit to open Text Content Editor dialog box.

Note: The process of displaying a user-defined attribute on selected Civil points in a drawing is described in the article Creating user-defined attributes for Civil points. It is also possible to use properties from another object (Surface, Horizontal Alignment and Vertical Alignment).
Text Height
Sets the height of data/text components presented in the label.
Rotation angle
Sets the rotation angle of data/text components presented in the label. The default rotation angle is 0.
Sets the position of data/text components relative to the point. Attachment can be set to Top left, Top middle, Top right, Middle left, Middle center, Middle right, Bottom left, Bottom center or Bottom right.
Note: Settings Middle left means that the text is positioned so that the symbol is middle-left of the text.
X offset

Specifies the offset of the data/text component from the symbol in the X direction.

Y offset
Specifies the offset of the data/text component from the symbol in the Y direction.
Sets the color of data/text component.
Maximum width
Defines the maximum width of data/text component. The maximum width defines the width of border (if gap is set to 0) and can be seen when using background mask.
Toggles the border visibility of the label.
Defines the border shape of the label. The border can be set to Rectangular, Rounded Rectangular or Circular type.
Background mask
Adds a white background.
Specifies the gap between the text and the border line.
Defines color the border line.

Defines the linetype of the border line.

Defines the lineweight of the border line.

Block component properties

Block name
Option to select a block from a list of available blocks in the drawing.
Block height
Sets the height of block component in the drawing.
Sets the rotation angle of the block component presented in the label. The default rotation angle is 0.
Sets the attachment point of the block component in the label. Attachment can be set to Top left, Top middle, Top right, Middle left, Middle center, Middle right, Bottom left, Bottom center, Bottom right or Insertion Point.
Note: Settings Middle left means that the text is positioned so that the symbol is middle-left of the text.
X offset
Specifies the offset of the block component from the insertion point in the X direction.
Y offset
Specifies the offset of the block component from the insertion point in the Y direction.
Defines color the block component.
Defines the linetype of the block.
Defines the lineweight of the block.

Line component properties

Use end point anchor
Toggles the connection between the line and the anchor point.
End point anchor component
If Use end point anchor is checked, it is possible to select End point anchor component.

The anchor component is the item that the line is positioned relative to. End point anchor component can be set to <Feature> or Data. When the end point anchor component is set to <Feature>, the line is attached to the label component’s attachment point. When it is set to Data, it can be one of several locations on the label component (defined in End point anchor point).

End point anchor point
End point anchor point can be defined only when End point anchor component is set to Data. End point anchor point can be set to Top left, Top center, Top right, Middle left, Middle center, Middle right, Bottom left, Bottom center or Bottom right.
Length type
The Line length type can set to either fixed length (defined in Fixed length) or a percentage (defined in Percentage length).
Fixed length
When the Length type is set to Fixed length, the total line length can be defined.
Percentage length
When the Length type is set to Percentage length, the total line length can be defined.
Rotation angle
When Use end point anchor is unchecked, the rotation angle of the line component can be set. The default rotation angle is 0.
Start point X offset
Specifies the offset of line’s start point in the X direction.
Start point Y offset
Specifies the offset of line’s start point in the Y direction.
End point X offset
When Use end point anchor is checked, the line’s end point offset can be defined. End point X offset specifies the offset of line’s end point in the X direction.
End point Y offset
When Use end point anchor is checked, the line’s end point offset can be defined. End point Y offset specifies the offset of line’s end point in the Y direction.
Defines color the line component.
Defines the linetype of the line.
Defines the lineweight of the line.

Arrow component properties

Arrow head style
Specifies the arrow head style from the list of options.
Arrow head size
Defines arrow head size.
Sets the rotation angle of the arrow component presented in the label. The default rotation angle is 0.
Fixed length
Toggles the option to set fixed length of the arrow.
Defines the length of the arrow.
X offset
Specifies the offset of the midpoint of the arrow from the symbol in the x direction.
Y offset
Specifies the offset of the arrow component from the symbol in the Y direction.
Defines color the arrow component.
Defines the linetype of the arrow.
Defines the lineweight of the arrow.
Opens the Text Content Editor dialog box.

Dragged state tab

Defines leader style and components style in dragged state.

Dragged state leader

Displays leader style properties in dragged state which can be edited.


Toggles the leader visibility in the drawing.

Arrow head style
Defines arrow head style by selecting it from the drop-down list.
Arrow head size
Defines arrow head size.
Leader tail
Toggles the leader tail in the drawing.
Note: When the leader tail is turned on, its length is equal to the arrow head size.
Sets the leader type as straight line or spline. To edit spline curve, drag the “+” sign from the middle of the leader to a desired position.
Note: Selecting and dragging the '+' sections of the leader will create curves, while selecting '-' will remove sections of the spline curve.
Specifies the color of leader in dragged state.
Defines linetype of leader in dragged state.
Defines lineweight of leader in dragged state.
Dragged state Components
Displays components properties style in dragged state which can be edited.
Displays components in dragged state as:
  • Stacked text: means that their style will be defined under the Dragged State tab.
  • As composed: means that the style is the same as it is defined under the Components tab, in the Text Content Editor dialog box.
Note: If you want the label style to be different in dragged state, select Display option Stacked text and define the rest of its properties.
Border visibility
Toggles the border visibility in dragged state.
Defines border shape in dragged state as: rectangular, rounded rectangular or circular.
Background mask
Toggles the background mask of components in dragged state.
Border and leader gap
Defines border and leader gap in dragged state.
Text height
Defines text height in dragged state.
Leader attachment
Specifies the position of the leader attachment point, picked from the drop-down list.
Leader justification

Toggles leader justification. Text components change its justification with the movement of the leader.

Specifies the color of components in dragged state.
Defines linetype of components border in dragged state.
Defines lineweight of components border in dragged state.
Note: All the changes are dynamically displayed in the drawing.