Editing hatches and gradient fills
Hatches and gradient fills can be edited:
- In the Properties panel.
- Using the HATCHEDIT command, in a dialog box.
- Using tools in the Edit command group in the Quad when a hatch or gradient fill entity is selected.
To edit a hatch or gradient fill in the properties panel
- Select the hatch or gradient fill in the drawing.
The properties of the selected entity display in the Properties panel.
- Select the property you want to edit in the Properties bar.
The selected property field is activated.
- Edit the selected property.
- Press the Esc key to stop editing the hatch.
- When multiple hatches or gradient fills are selected properties which are different display as *varies*. If you edit such property, the changes apply to entire selection.
- Linetype, Linetype scale and Lineweight properties apply to User Defined pattern types only.
To edit a hatch or gradient fill in a dialog box

The Edit Hatch tool is available on:
- the Modify menu
- the Modify toolbar
- the Modify ribbon panel
- Do one of the following:
- Launch the HATCHEDIT command.
Select a hatch or gradient entity.
- Double click a hatch or gradient fill entity.
The Hatch Edit dialog box displays.
- Launch the HATCHEDIT command.
- Edit the properties and settings.
The changes are applied in real time.
- Click the OK button to accept the changes.
To edit a hatch or gradient fill using the Quad
- Pause the cursor on the hatch or gradient fill.
The Quad displays.
- Move the cursor to the Quad.
- (option) In the Edit tab, click the Add Loop button.
You are prompted: specify internal point or [Select entities/Undo]:
- Click inside a closed area,
Type S , then press Enter to select entities.
- Right click or press Enter to conclude.
- Click inside a closed area,
- (option) In the Edit tab, click the Remove Loop button.
The boundaries of the selected hatch highlight.
You are prompted: select entities:
- Click the boundaries you want to remove.
- Right click or press Enter to conclude.
- (option) In the Edit tab, click the Send to back button.
All hatches in the drawing are sent behind other entities.
- (option) In the Edit tab, click the Match button.
You are prompted: select entities to copy properties to or [Settings/selection options (?)]:
- Select the hatch entities to copy the properties to.
- Right click or press Enter to conclude.
- (option) In the Draw tab, click the Generate Boundary button.
The boundary of the hatch is generated.