Selection and grip settings

When you select entities in a drawing, the selection method and the display of selected entities (for example whether grips are displayed or not) is controlled by a number of settings.

Selection settings

Most of the selection settings are located in the Selection settings group of the Program Options settings category in the Settings dialog box.

Name System Variable Description
Highlight HIGHLIGHT Determines whether or not entities highlight on screen when selected.
Image highlight IMAGEHLT Determines whether the entire raster image highlights or only the raster image frame when selected.
Pick add PICKADD Controls whether subsequent selections replace the current selection set or add to it.

ON: the selection set is extended if you select additional entities. Press and hold the Shift key to remove entities from the selection set.

OFF: you cannot add entities to a selection set. The newly selected entity or entities replace the existing selection set. However, if you press and hold the Shift key, you can add entities. If you select an entity that was already selected while pressing the Shift key, this entity is removed from the selection set.

Pick automatic PICKAUTO

Controls automatic window selection (inside or crossing) when selecting entities.

The value is stored as a bitcode using the sum of the selected options.

negative: disables window selection, saving current value.

1 = Draws a selection window if the mouse is over a blank area of the drawing when clicked.

2 = Draws a selection window if the mouse is over an entity when dragged.

4 = Draws a lasso selection if the mouse is not over any entity when clicked.

Pick box PICKBOX Defines the size of the small square at the end of the selection cursor (). If you select an entity by clicking, the Pick Box must touch or overlap the entity.

The default size of the Pick Box is 3.

Pick drag PICKDRAG Controls the method of drawing a selection window.

ON: allows you to define a selection window by dragging: press and hold the left mouse button to define the first corner of the rectangle, then move the mouse to define the size of the selection window and release the mouse button to define the opposite corner.

OFF: define the selection window by clicking two opposite corners.

Pick first PICKFIRST Controls whether you select objects before or after you issue a modification command.

ON: allows you to compose a selection set first, then launch a modification command.

OFF: first start the command, then compose the select entities.

Linetype gap selection LTGAPSELECTION Makes it possible to snap to gaps on non-continuous linetypes.

ON: does not allow selection or snapping within gaps (legacy behavior).

OFF: allows the selection or snapping within gaps.

Pick style PICKSTYLE

Controls the selection of groups and associative hatches.

0 = Either group selection or associative hatch selection.

1 = Group selection: if a member of a selectable group is selected, all members of the group are selected.

2 = Associative hatch selection: the hatch and its boundary are selected, no matter what is picked: the hatch or the boundary (not supported yet).

Match options for SELECTSIMILAR SELECTSIMILARMODE Controls which properties must match for an entity of the same type to be selected with the SELECTSIMILAR command.
Frame selection FRAMESELECTION Controls if the hidden frame of an image, underlay, clipped XRefs, or wipeout can be selected.
Nearest Distance NEARESTDISTANCE Controls nearest distance dimension between a pair of selected entities.

0 = Do not show distance dimension

1 = Show nearest distance dimension

2 = Show OX aligned nearest distance dimension

4 = Show OY aligned nearest distance dimension

8 = Show OZ aligned nearest distance dimension

Selection area SELECTIONAREA Controls the display of selection area effects.
Selection area opacity SELECTIONAREAOPACITY Controls the transparency of the selection area: the higher the value, the more opaque the selection area.
Crossing area color CROSSINGAREACOLOR Specifies the color for crossing selection areas.
Window area color WINDOWAREACOLOR Specifies the color for window selection areas.
Selection preview display SELECTIONPREVIEW

Controls when entities highlight when the cursor hovers over them:

0 = Never.

1 = When no commands are active.

2 = When a command prompts for entity selection.

3 = Both, when no commands are active and when a command prompts for entity selection.

Note: When the SELECTIONPREVIEW system variable is Off:
  • the Display the Quad when the cursor hovers over an entity option of the QUADDISPLAY system variable is ignored and the Quad is not displayed,
  • the ROLLOVERTIPS system variable is ignored and entity properties are not displayed (the Quad is not displayed),
  • the SELECTIONCYCLING system variable is ignored and no badge or selection dialog box is displayed (the Quad is not displayed).
Selection preview effect PREVIEWEFFECT Controls the appearance of highlighted entities: 0=dashed lines; 1=thickened lines; 2=dashed and thickened lines (not yet supported).
Selection preview filter PREVIEWFILTER

Controls which entity types are excluded from selection previewing.

The options are:

  • Entities on locked layers
  • Entities in Xrefs
  • Tables
  • MText entities
  • Hatches
  • Groups
GL Selection Highlight Style HIGHLIGHTEFFECT

Specifies the highlight method:

0 = Dashed lines.

1 = Use different color.

2 = Use thickened line.

3 = Use different color and thickened line.

Selection Highlight color HIGHLIGHTCOLOR Specifies the highlight color to be used when HIGHLIGHTEFFECT is 1 or 3.
Selection cycling SELECTIONCYCLING Controls the display options associated with overlapping objects and selection cycling.

Negative = Disable selection cycling, saves earlier value

0 = Disable selection cycling

1 = A badge displays when you hover over objects that overlap

2 = Both a badge and a Selection dialog box displays


Defines which subentities should highlight in selection preview.

The variable is stored as a bitcode using the sum of the values of all selected options.

Click the buttons on the Selection Modes toolbar to set the value of SELECTIONMODES. A pressed button indicates the option is selected.

1 = Enable detection of 3D solid edges ()

2 = Enable detection of 3D solid faces ()*

4 = Enable boundary detection ().

Controls whether closed boundaries in XY-plane of the current coordinate system or on the face of 3D solids highlight when no commands are active.

The BOUNDARYCOLOR system variable specifies the color for highlighting detected boundaries.

* Hold the Ctrl key to invert the status of the Select Faces option: if ON it is possible to select 3D solids, if OFF it is possible to select solid faces.

Repeatedly pressing the Tab key while keeping the cursor at the same position highlights all included subentity types one by one.

See also Window Selection.

Preview selection delay PREVIEWDELAY Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait before highlighting the (sub)entities under the cursor.
Constraint Bar Display CONSTRAINTBARDISPLAY Controls the visibility of a geometric constraint at its creation or selection.
Dynamic Constraint Mode DYNCONSTRAINTMODE Controls the visibility of hidden dimensional constraints when the constrained entity is selected. When the cursor is over an entity with a dimensional constraint, the blue constraint glyph is displayed.

Grips settings

If the GRIPS system variable is different from zero, grips are displayed on selected entities.

Grips settings are located in Display/Viewing in the Drafting settings group of the Drawing settings category in the Settings dialog box.

Grips can be used to manipulate entities (see the Grips editing article).

Name System Variable Description

The value of GRIPS can be 0, 1 or 2.

0= Turn off grips.

1= Turn on endpoint grips.

2= Turn on endpoint and midpoint grips

Grips in blocks GRIPBLOCK Toggles the display of grips on entities in blocks on/off.
Grip color GRIPCOLOR Sets the color of unselected grips. Default value is green (index color no. 72).
Selected grip color GRIPHOT Sets the color of selected grips, so called hot grips.

Default value is red (index color no. 240).

Hover grip color GRIPHOVER Sets the color of an unselected grip when the cursor pauses over it.

Default value is blue (index color no. 150).

Grip size GRIPSIZE Sets the size of the grip box, expressed in pixels.

Default value = 4.

Grip object limit GRIPOBJLIMIT Suppresses the display of grips if the number of selected objects exceeds the value of GRIPOBJLIMIT.

If set to 0 (zero), all grips are displayed.

Grip tips GRIPTIPS (Not supported yet) Determines whether grip tips are displayed when the cursor hovers over grips on custom entities or dynamic blocks that support grip tips.
Grips attraction ENABLEATTRACTION Toggles the magnetism of grips on/off.
Grips attraction distance ATTRACTIONDISTANCE Sets the grips attraction distance: if the cursor is within this distance, the cursor is attracted by the grip and jumps to it.