BMBOM command
Inserts a Bill of Materials (BOM) table in the current drawing.

Inserts a Bill of Materials (BOM) table in the current drawing.
The BOMFILTERSETTINGS system variable controls which components will be included in the BOM table.
Options within the command
- Name
- Specifies the table name.
Note: The BOMTEMPLATE system variable defines the path to the file with default BOM template which will be used to create new BOM tables.
Note: If the BOMTEMPLATE system variable is empty or the path is not valid, the below default BOM configuration will be used.
- Top level
- Creates a BOM of the top-level components only.
- Bottom level
- Creates a BOM of the subcomponents.
- Hierarchical
- Creates a hierarchical BOM listing all (sub)components.
- Load from template
- Opens the Select file with the BOM table template which allows you to select a .bom file to create a BOM from a template.
- Save as template
- Opens the Select file to save BOM table template which allows you to save the current BOM configuration as a template.
- LAyout
- Changes the layout where the table will be placed.
- Configure
- Allows you to add additional columns to your BOM table.
- More
- Displays more configuration options.
- Toggle column
- Adds or removes columns from the BOM.
- add Formula field
- Adds a formula field.
- add Thumbnails
- Adds a thumbnail column.
- Name
- Sets the name of the column.
- Width
- Sets the thumbnails width in pixels.
- Height
- Sets the thumbnails height in pixels.
- Block Scale
- Sets the block scale for thumbnails.
- View type
- Sets the orientation of the camera.
- Orthographic
- Allows you to choose an orthographic projection view.
- Isometric
- Allows you to choose an isometric projection view.
- viSual style
- Sets the visual style for thumbnails.
- BacKGround color
- Sets the thumbnails background color.
- Transparent
- Sets transparent background for thumbnails.
- seleCt color
- Opens the Color dialog box to select a color.
- Folder
- Opens the Select image folder which allows you to choose a folder for thumbnail images.
- Add column
- Adds a thumbnail column with specified parameters to the BOM table.
- Set sorting
- Sets the sorting mode for the BOM.
- Automatic
- Sets the automatic sorting for the table.
- No sorting
- Disables the sorting for the BOM.
- Custom sorting
- Specifies the column for sorting.
- Fixed order
- Keeps the initial numbers position of parts in the BOM, regardless of added or deleted parts.
- column Properties
- Configures columns properties. It depends on the column type.
- Name
- Sets a name for the column.
- Visibility
- Sets the visibility of the column.
- ON
- Makes the column visible.
- Makes the column invisible.
- Width
- Sets the column width.
- Auto
- Sets the automatic width of the column.
- Footer type
- Sets the footer type.
- None
- Removes the column from the footer.
- Sum
- Adds the total sum to the footer.
- Average
- Adds the average value to the footer.
- MINimum
- Adds the minimal value to the footer.
- MAXimum
- Adds the maximal value to the footer.
Note: It is possible to add footers to formula or template columns as well.Note: A different unit and format for footer values can be set.
- Prefix
- Sets the prefix for numbers in the Number column.
- Suffix
- Sets the suffix for numbers in the Number column.
- Delimiter
- Sets the delimiter between levels in numbers for hierarchical BOM tables.
- NumeraTion type
- Sets the numeration type for hierarchical BOM tables.
- Full numbers
- Numbers for each level are combined using the provided delimiter and shown in the Number column.
- Short numbers
- Only numbers for the current level of each part are used. This mode is supposed to be used with Level column.
- Continuous numbers
- All parts are numbered continuously, regardless of their level.
- Aggregate function
- Sets the aggregate function.
- None
- Removes an aggregate function from the column.
- Defines aggregate function.
- TOtal count
- Shows the total number of encounters with the same value among the groups.
- AVerage count
- Shows the average number of encounters with the same value among the groups.
- MINimum count
- Shows the minimum number of encounters with the same value among the groups.
- MAXimum count
- Shows the maximum number of encounters with the same value among the groups.
- LEast frequent
- Shows the value with least corresponding counts. If there are more than one value with the minimal count, then all those values are displayed.
- MOst frequent
- Shows the value with most corresponding counts. If there are more than one value with the maximal count, then all those values are displayed.
- CONcatenate
- Combines all values in the group using the provided delimiter.
- CONCatenate with count
- Combines all values in the group with their number using the provided delimiters, prefix and suffix.
- sEttings
- Configures the aggregated column.
- value Separator
- Sets the delimiter between concatenated values.
- count Position
- Sets the position of the number of encounters for concatenated values.
- After value
- The number of instances is placed after the corresponding value.
- bEfore value
- The number of instances is placed before the corresponding value.
- Count separator
- Sets the delimiter between a value and its number of encounters.
- count PREfix
- Sets the prefix that will be added before the number of encounters.
- count SUFfix
- Sets the suffix that will be added after the number of encounters.
- Thumbnails Parameters
- Sets the thumbnails parameters, similar with add thumbnail columns.
- Units
- Configures units and how they display.
- unit Mode
- Sets the units for the column values.
- Best for All
- Sets the best unit for all values.
- BEst for each value
- Sets the best unit for each value.
- set Fixed unit
- Allows you to choose the unit manually.
- unit Format
- Sets how the units display.
- Title
- Places the unit symbol in the column title.
- Same cell
- Places the unit symbol in the same cell as the value.
- separate Column
- Places the unit symbol in a separate column.
- do Not show units
- Hides the units symbol.
- title Format
- Sets the format for the column title for the Title option.
- fOrmat string
- Sets the format string for column values.
- Footer format
- Sets a footer format string for footer values. If the footer format is not set, then the column format string will be used.
- Role
- Sets the column role for the column.
- Regular
- Sets the regular role for the column.
- Number
- Sets the number role for the column. (So it will be used as the number source for the BMBALLOON command).
- nAme
- Sets the name role for the column. (So it will be used as the name source for the BMBALLOON command).
- Quantity
- Sets the quantity role for the column. (So it will be used as the quantity source for the BMBALLOON command).
- table sEttings
- Configures the properties of a BOM table.
- footer Title
- Sets the title of the footer row.
- Filter
- Sets the table filter.
- Property set
- Specify the properties to add from.
- Grouping mode
- Specifies the grouping mode for the current table.
- Auto
- Groups the parts with respect to their definitions and parameters.
- by COmponents and columns
- Groups the parts with respect to their definitions and properties used in the table.
- by Columns only
- Groups the parts with respect to their properties used in the table only. (So one row may correspond to completely different parts if their properties displayed in BOM are the same).
- Counting mode
- Specifies the counting mode for hierarchical BOM.
- by Document
- Sets the counting mode to count all instances.
- by parent Component
- Sets the counting mode to count instances in parent component.
- max Level
- Allows you to specify the maximal level of parts in hierarchical BOM tables.
- Selection set
- Allows you to specify a selection set linked to this BOM table.
- Entire model
- Sets entire model as the selection set.
- Subassembly
- Sets a selected subassembly as the selection set.
- Custom selection
- Sets a custom selection of top-level components as the selection set.
- drawing View
- Associates this BOM table with selected drawing views.
- layout viewPOrt
- Associates this BOM table with selected layout viewports.
- eXclude current document
- Excludes the currents document.
- Other documents
- Includes parts from other documents.
- Add drawing or sheet set
- Adds drawings or sheet sets from the Select drawing file or sheet set dialog box that is opened.
- add Folder
- Adds an entire folder selected from the Folder Options dialog box. The user may include only the documents that match specified wildcards, entire BIM project or entire sheet set.
Note: Internally, BOM uses the logic implemented in the data extractor. It means that it will check for duplicated top-level objects, but if one document refers to another via an external reference, and that another document is also explicitly added, then the content of that document will be counted twice. When the document is saved, all paths are converted to be relative to that document when possible.
- fixed coRner
- Changes the fixed corner of the table. The fixed corner will remain in position during table changes.Note: Press the Tab key to cycle the corners of the table. The table position will change to place the fixed corner under the cursor, thus helping to align the table with other objects in the drawing.
- Top Left
- Sets top left corner of the table as fixed.
- Top Right
- Sets top right corner of the table as fixed.
- Bottom Left
- Sets bottom left corner of the table as fixed.
- Bottom Right
- Sets bottom right corner of the table as fixed.
- Back
- Returns to the previous prompt.