DIVIDE command

Places a specific number of points or blocks spaced equally along an entity.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Alias: DIV


1. Points placed evenly divided along entity

The command allows creating and placing points or blocks along the perimeter of an entity, at equal distances.

The following entities can be divided:

  • Line
  • Polyline
  • Spline
  • Arc
  • Circle
  • Ellipse
Note: It might be necessary to adjust the Point display mode settings (DDPTYPE) to display the points correctly.

Options within the command

Number of segments
An integer number between 2 and 32767 can be specified. This will represent the number of segments, the equally-divided distances between points.
Note: Entering 2 for the number of segments places a single point or block at the midpoint of the entity, as the entity is divided into two segments. There is always one more segment than points placed, as no point or block is placed at the start or endpoints of the entity.
insert Block
Place equally-spaced blocks along the entity, instead of points. You can specify the name of the block or use ? to list available blocks.
Yes – align blocks
Rotates blocks for them to match the local orientation of the entity, such as along an arc.
No – do not align
The blocks maintain their orientation (they do not rotate).