-GRADIENT command

Fills closed areas with a gradient fill.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Fills closed areas with solid fills in gradients of one or two colors in a variety of patterns.

Note: 3D entities cannot be filled in gradients.


There are two methods to fill in gradients:

  • Single color
  • Two colors

Options within the command

hatch Properties
Allows you to specify a hatch pattern.
? to list patterns
Lists the names of all hatch patterns. Press F2 to see the list in the prompt history window.
Solid fill
Specifies a solid-color filled hatch.
User defined
Allows you to customize the hatch pattern.
Set Angle for lines
Specifies the angle for the pattern lines.
Space between standard pattern lines
Specifies the space between the hatch lines.
Cross-hatch area?
Toggles between Yes and No. If Yes, the pattern is repeated at 90 degrees to the original.
Allows you to customize a gradient pattern.
Enter a gradient name
Allows you to specify a gradient pattern name.
Enter an angle for the gradient
Allows to specify an angle for the gradient fill.
Center the gradient?
Toggles between Yes or No.
? to list patterns
Lists the names of all gradient patterns. Press F2 to see the list in the prompt history window.
Single color
Specifies a new gradient color and tint.
Enter a shade or tint value
Specifies a number between 0 and 1 (0 = dark, 1 = light).
Two color
Specifies two new gradient colors.
Allows you to specify the true color for the layers in selected viewports, by entering the values for Red, Green, and Blue.
Opens a color book by entering its name and allows you to specify a color name from the loaded color book.
Note: The COLORBOOKPATH system variable specifies the folder(s) in which BricsCAD should look for color book files.
Select entities
Allows you to selects the entities that make up the hatching boundary to constrain the extent of the pattern.
Remove boundaries
Removes the boundary for the selected entities.
Advanced options
Allows you to set advanced options for the hatch.
Boundary set
Specifies the entities to consider while creating boundaries.
Retain boundary
Determines whether the temporary boundary is retained after the command ends.
Island detection
Toggles whether islands are hatched over or not. Islands represent interior boundaries.
Specify style
Specifies how islands are treated.
Alternating islands are hatched, beginning with the outermost one.
Only the outermost region is hatched. Interior islands are not hatched.
Islands are ignored and hatched over.
set Associativity
Toggles whether hatches are associative, so they do update/not update their geometry alongside the boundaries.
boundary Tolerance
Specifies the largest gap the program ignores when hatching a boundary that is not fully closed.
Note: A value of 0 means that no gaps in the boundary are tolerated by the program.
separate Hatches
Allows you to create separate hatches for each closed area or a single hatch entity for all.
Draw order
Specifies whether the hatch pattern appears visually above/below overlapping entities or its boundary.
Specifies a new value for the hatch origin.
Sets the annotative property for the hatch. It applies the current annotative scale, defined by the CANNOSCALE system variable.
Specifies the layer on which the hatch should be placed.
Specifies a value between 0 and 90 for the transparency.
Note: A value of 0 means fully opaque. The transparency level is limited to 90% to avoid confusion with layers that are frozen or turned off.
Applies the value of the transparency property of the layer on which the hatch resides.
The transparency value is controlled by block.
Use current
Applies the current transparency value as defined by the CETRANSPARENCY system variable.
Note: The transparency value for new hatches is saved by the HPTRANSPARENCY system variable.
Removes selected boundaries from the selection.