LINE command
Creates line segments.

Alias: 3DLINE, L
Creates a series of individual line entities by specifying the start and endpoint of each segment. Options allow you to specify the angle, undo, and close the geometry.

- Start
- End
- Close
- Length
- Angle
This command has 3 methods to begin creating a line segment:
- Start of line
- Last point
- Follow
Options within the command
- Start of line
- Allows you to begin creating a line by specifying the start point.
- Set end point
- Specifies the end point of the line segment.Note: You can continue adding unlimited segments until you press Enter to end the command.
- Follow
- Begins creating a line from the last drawn arc or line segment, following its angle.
- Length of line
- Specifies the length of the line. Picking the endpoint only determines the length since the angle follows the previous segment.
- Last drawn arc
- Follow
- Last point
- Begins creating a line from the last point picked.
- Last drawn arc
- Last point
- End point
- Angle
- Specifies the angle of the line segment.
- Length
- Specifies the length of the line segment.
- Undo
- Undoes the last line segment and continue drawing from its previous start point.
- Close
- Automatically draw a line from the end point of the last segment to the start point of the first segment.