MTEXT command
Places text in a bounding box.
Alias: MT, T
Places formatted paragraph text in a bounding box that limits the extent of the text.
After specifying the limits of the text bounding box, the Text Formatting toolbar opens.
You can edit Mtext bounding boxes directly using grips:
- Drag to change the width of the bounding box.
- Drag to change the height of the bounding box.
Options within the command
- Justification
- Specifies the justification (horizontal alignment) of the text inside the bounding box.
- Rotation angle
- Specifies the rotation angle of the text block. Positive angles rotate the text block counter-clockwise.
- text Style
- Specifies the text style to use. See the Style command.
- text Height
- Specifies the height of the text.
- Direction
- Specifies the direction in which the bounding box is expanded.
- Left-to-right
- The text is placed on the left and expands the bounding box to the right.
- Top-to-bottom
- The text is placed at the top and expands the bottom of the bounding box.
- By-Style
- Uses the direction defined by the text style.
- Width
- Specifies the width of the bounding box.
- Line spacing
- Defines the text's line spacing style and line spacing factor.Note: These settings default value is specified by the TSPACETYPE and TSPACEFAC system variables.
- At least
- Specifies the minimum line spacing factor.
- Exactly
- Specifies the exact line spacing factor.
- Columns
- Defines the amount of columns.
- No columns
- No columns are created.
- Static
- A fixed amount of columns with fixed dimensions is created.
- Dynamic
- A dynamic amount of columns is created. The number of columns depends on the length of the text.