Adds and edits CAD standards for the current drawing.

This command associates one or more standard (DWS) files to the current drawing.
A standards file defines common properties for many drawing files to maintain consistency throughout those files. This consistency might be important in collaborative environments, where many people are involved in creating sets of drawings that should comply with some predefined rules.
Standards are created for the following named objects:
- Layers
- Text styles
- Line types
- Dimension styles
Standard (DWS) files can be created by the SAVEAS command, when you choose Standards File (*.dws) from the Save as type list.
This command has an associated dialog box that manages all the operations associated with this command.
STANDARDS dialog box
The CAD Standards dialog box allows to select the options for the STANDARDS command.

- Standards
- Plugins
- Standards
This section is split into two sides.
The left side contains a list with the names of the standards already loaded into the drawing and a set of buttons for managing the list.
The names of the standards are the same as the names of the files selected as standards.
The buttons for managing the list are from top to bottom:
- Adds Standards file: adds the selected files to the list of standards.
- Removes Standards file: removes the selected file from the list of standards.
- Moves Standards file one position up: moves the name selected in the list one position up.
- Moves Standards file one position down: moves the name selected in the list one position down.
The right side of the Standards section displays some properties of the standard selected in the list. These properties include the path of the file containing the standard, the date of creation and the file format.
Standard (DWS) files can be created by the SAVEAS command, when you choose Standards File (*.dws) from the Save as type list.
- Plugins
This section contains a list of plug-ins to be used by a checking operation.
A plug-in is a property or a set of properties of the entities in the standards files. When the corresponding checkbox of a plug-in is checked, the checking operation will include that plug-in.
The available plug-ins are as the following:
- Layers
The layers defined in the standard files.
- Linetypes
- The line types defined in the standard files.
- Dimension Styles
- The dimension styles defined in the standard files.
- Text Styles
- The text styles defined in the standard files.