BIM Typed Plan Editor dialog box

The BIM Typed Plan Editor dialog box allows you to edit the existing Typed Plans.

Open the BIM Typed Plan Editor dialog box by:
  • double clicking a Typed Plan listed in the Files tab of the BIM Project Browser panel.
  • clicking a Typed Plan listed in the BIM Typed Plans dialog box.
  1. Typed Plan name
  2. Drawing overrides
  3. Tag overrides
  4. General settings

Typed Plan name

Specifies the name of the selected Typed Plan to be edited. You can click on the selected Typed Plan name to rename it, then press Enter.

Drawing overrides

  1. Add new override
  2. Drawing overrides list
  3. Filter
  4. Add new filter
  5. Section result customization
  6. Center line customization
  7. Symbol customization
  8. Ply customization
Add new override
Adds a new override element to the list that functions as a top down entity filter. When an entity fits a criterion in the list, the rest of the overrides are no longer checked.
Note: Since the order of the list is important, it is best to start with the most specific filter lines and then add more broader filter lines. For example you can leave your last filter line so generic to encompass all other elements, by not specifying any filter expression in it.
Drawing overrides list
Displays the hierarchically organized list of drawing overrides. You can rearrange the position of an override in the list by dragging and dropping it to the desired position.
Allows you to edit filter rules for drawing overrides by adding one or more parameter filters from the drop down list. Filter rows can be added to filter by multiple parameter combinations. These rows are separated using the logical "OR" operation. The rows can be copied by clicking the copy symbol or deleted by clicking the delete symbol.
Note: User defined properties can be used as filter in Typed Plans only when the BIM Project uses a Project database stored as an external BSYSLIB file. For more information about the Project and Central databases, see the articles BIM data structure and BIM project info.
Add new filter row
Click the + Or button to add a new filter row.
Section result customization
Allows you to customize how the lines of each element that is being processed by the section generation algorithm will turn out.
Click the context menu button to open the menu options:
Add customization
Click the arrow next to Add customization to open the drop-down list with customization types: Background, Intersection boundary, Intersection fill, Elevation fill, Hidden lines, Cut away geometry. Click a type to add it to the Section result customization so you can customize the line's visibility, color, type, weight and scale.
Override hatch
Allows you to specify the entity's hatch appearances (section and elevation), thus not to use the default hatch patterns already defined within the Physical Materials library. When selected, the options Section hatch and Elevation hatch appear for the Section result customization. Click the hatch patterns here to open the Material Pattern Editor dialog box that allows you to further edit the hatches.
Note: When you create any new Physical Material entry in the In Project category as part of the Typed Plan template, your desired configurations are independent of the drawing project and stored in the template instead. You can apply this template later to other project models as you wish.
Apply for plies
You can further ensure the customization applies to the plies within the entity composition, if appropriate, by checking the Apply for plies option.
Center Line customization
Determines the appearance of the center of planar or linear entities. The resulting center lines, for example from cutting a wall’s center plane in a floor plan, can be customized.
Note: There is no default setting to adjust the visibility of these center elements, and they are not normally displayed in section results.
Symbol customization
Click the context menu button to open the menu options:
Choose external file...
Opens the Set external symbol source. dialog box where you can select an external symbol drawing in DWG file format. This allows you to apply a saved symbol customization to specific layers within your external symbol source.
Create new external file...
Opens the New external symbol source. dialog box where you can save an external symbol drawing in DWG file format. This allows you to create a new symbol drawing on a default symbol template.
Add customization
Adds a new symbol customization line. This allows you to filter on the names of the layers which contain symbols and edit those layers' lines appearance.
Ply customization
Can be used to show only a certain type of plies in a plan view. An easy example is the visibility of only structural plies in a structural plan. Click the context menu button to open the menu options.
Add ply customization.
Allows to filter entity plies by adding one or more parameter filters from the drop down list. A main categorization for the customization of plies is predefined as Structure function and No structure function. Filter rows can be added to filter by multiple parameter combinations.
For each Filter combination, ply customizations can be defined.

Tag Overrides

Tag overrides allow you to define the visualization of entities containing specific tags. In the Tag overrides tab, preferences can be specified.

Note: When there is no tag defined for an object in the Typed Plan, the rules set in _TagTypeToStyle.xml are used as fallback rules.
  1. Add New Override
  2. Tag overrides list
  3. Filter
  4. Add new filter row
  5. Tags
  6. Add tag
Add new Override
Creates a new tag override element to the list. By default, the template is named New override with the text highlighted. This highlighted override title can be modified by entering an custom name and pressing Enter to save and apply.
Note: Created overrides can be copied by clicking the copy icon or deleted by clicking the delete icon. To rename the override, double-click its name.
Tag overrides list
Displays the hierarchically organized list of tag overrides. You can rearrange the position of an override in the list by dragging and dropping it to the desired position.
Allows you to edit filter rules for tag overrides. It is similar with changing the filter rules for drawing overrides described above.
Note: User defined properties can be used as filter in Typed Plans only when the BIM Project uses a Project database stored as an external BSYSLIB file. For more information about the Project and Central databases, see the articles BIM data structure and BIM project info.
Add new filter row
Click the + Or button to add a new filter row.
Allows you to add and edit tag customizations. You can also deleted tag customizations. By adding customizations for different entity types, customized styles can be defined including several characteristics:
Allows you to select the tag style.
Auto placement
Specifies whether the placement of the tag should be defined automatically or not.
Auto Rotation
Specifies whether the rotation of the tag should be defined automatically or not.
Specifies whether the tag should be placed either with offset or not as well as the numerical offset value.
Add tag
Allows you to add a new tag customization.

General settings

  1. Background image generation
  2. Stairs
Background image generation
Section result
Allows you to control how the section result should be visualized by selecting one option from the drop-down menu:
  • Line drawing: the section result is visualized as a line drawing.
  • Line drawing + Raster image: the section result is visualized as a line drawing to which a background raster image is added.
  • Raster image: the section result is visualized as a raster image.
Visual style
Allows you to choose a visual style from the drop-down menu.
Image resolution
Sets the DPI resolution for the image to be generated.
Note: Visual style and Image resolution settings are only available for Line drawing + Raster image and Raster image section result visualization types.
Allows you to toggle On and Off the sun settings for the background image. When toggled On, the following settings are available:
  • Intensity factor: specifies the intensity or brightness of the sun; the higher the number, the brighter the light.
  • Date &Time: edits the date to show the sun at a different time of year. Edit the time to show the sun at a different time of day. You can also toggle On/Off the effect of daylight saving time.
  • Shadow type: allows you to select an option from the drop-down menu.
    • Soft (area): displays realistic shadows with softer edges based on extended light sources, according to the Softness property.
    • Sharp: displays shadows with sharp edges.
  • Shadow softness: determines the sampling size of shadows. Larger numbers are more accurate but take longer to render.
Allows you to enable the perspective mode for the background image:
  • Lens length: sets the perspective lens length.
2D stairs section result
Allows you to control the generation of 2D representations of BIM stair entities during a section generation:
  • Symbolic: a symbolic 2D representation is used for BIM stair section generation.
  • Geometric: a geometric 2D representation is used for BIM stair section generation.
Note: This setting overrides the AUTOMATICSTAIRSECTIONBEHAVIOR system variable.

For more information, see the Command reference article BIMGENERATE2DSTAIR command.