Defines a parameter to be used by a stretch operation on some entities of a parametric block.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM




Allows you to stretch some entities in a block. The appearance of the block can be controlled by changing the value of the parameter associated with the stretch operation.

The goal of this parametric stretch operation is to simplify the stretching of entities in the block. Usually, the same behavior could be obtained with parameters and constraints, but it would take more time and effort to obtain the same behavior.

The PARAMETRICSTRETCH command can be launched from the command line by typing PARAMETRICSTRETCH.

Another way to launch this command is from the ribbon in a Drafting workspace. Go to tab 2D Parametric > OPERATIONS tab and click the Stretch tool button.

Note: The stretch parameter might not work well in combination with the geometric and dimensional constraints. The behavior of the block when applying the stretch parameter together with constraints is highly dependent on the complexity of the geometry and the number and type of the constraints.

For more info about using the PARAMETRICSTRETCH command, see the article 2D parametric blocks.

Options within the command

Base point of displacement
Allows you to select a location point for the origin of the stretch vector.
Second point of displacement

Allows you to select a location point for the head of the stretch vector.

Construct stretch frame: pick first point of rectangular frame
Allows you to select the first corner of the rectangular stretch frame.
Opposite corner
Allows you to select the second corner of the rectangular stretch frame.

Allows you to enter a series of points that will set a polygonal stretch frame.

Note: The vertices inside the selection contour (rectangle or polygon) will be moved according to the stretch vector.
Select/deselect entities which can be affected by the operation

Allows you to edit the selection of entities to be affected by the stretch operation. All the selected entities will be highlighted.

By default, all the entities which have stretch points inside the stretch frame are selected.

change Linked behaviour
Allows you to decide whether the entities will follow operation definition points when adjusted by other operation.
Enter name for the operation parameter

Allows you to give a name to the stretch parameter. The default name is Stretch.

The block entities that were selected for stretch will adjust according to the new value of the stretch parameter.