BricsCAD Communicator settings
The Communicator section in the Settings dialog box allows you to customize the behavior of the related commands:
- Setting environment options.
- Control the import/export of data.
- Toggling post-processing operations.
Settings are applicable when the EXPORT and IMPORT commands engage one of the Communicator file formats.
Perform import and export in background
Tick this option to enable user interaction while import/export is performed.
When the COMMUNICATORBACKGROUNDMODE system variable is ON and a file is imported, geometrical entities are inserted to the document after clicking the hyperlink with the filename from the notification bubble. This switches the document, regens viewport and zooms to extents.

Closing the notification bubble cancels the import session and deletes the memory allocated by the background import.
Import settings
Product structure
- Name
- ImportProductStructure
- Description
- Determines how the imported entities will be structured and whether it will form a soup of entities, a block hierarchy or an assembly structure.
- Values
- [0] None: Creates a flat structure without blocks in the modelspace of the target database, regardless of whether the imported data have an assembly structure or not.
- [1] As blocks: The imported data have an assembly structure, which will be converted into a hierarchy of plain blocks; so the structure will be preserved, while the assembly metadata are lost. If the imported data is composed of entities only, they are placed in the modelspace of the target database.
- [2] As mechanical components: In this mode, data will be translated to BricsCAD assembly data, the structure and its properties (physical materials – BLMATERIALS command). If the imported file has no assembly data, a mechanical component will nevertheless be created in the BricsCAD target document root.
Translate colors
- Name
- ImportColors
- Description
- Determines how the colors of the imported entities will be assigned: either as true colors or as matching the current color palette.
- Values
- [0] To RGB: All entity colors will be converted to RGB, regardless of the current palette.
- [1] To RGB if no matching palette index: If the entity color is found in the palette, the entity gets an index color. Otherwise, it is given a true color.
- [2] To nearest palette index: For any true color of the imported entity, the nearest match is searched in the palette and this index color is assigned to the entity.
Product and manufacturing information
- Name
- ImportPMI
- Description
- Determines whether product manufacturing information is imported. Currently, such information is imported as exploded data (lines, text, ...) instead of compound entities (e.g. annotations).
- Values
- On/off tickbox.
Perform stitching
- Name
- ImportStitch
- Description
- In some cases, imported geometry represents solid geometry as a set of separate surfaces. Use the DMSTITCH command to work with solid operations on the imported geometry. If IMPORTSTITCH is set to ON, the DMSTITCH command is executed automatically when the geometry is imported.Note:
- Stitch operations are time-consuming when importing large files.
- Check the IMPORTIGESSTITCH setting, which can set an override for the IGES file format.
- Values
- On/off tickbox.
Repair model on import
- Name
- ImportRepair
- Description
- Applies operations, similar to the DMAUDIT command, in order to improve the quality of the imported geometry. Geometry modeled in CAD systems which use a kernel different from ACIS, often needs to be healed because of possible flaws.
- Values
- On/off tickbox.
Perform simplification
- Name
- ImportSimplify
- Description
Applies operations similar to the DMSIMPLIFY command:
- Convert imported splines into canonical surfaces.
- Simplify topology (remove imprinted edges) if possible.
Note: Also check the IMPORTIGESSIMPLIFY system variable, which can set an override for the IGES file format.
- Values
- On/off tickbox.
Hidden parts
- Name
- ImportHiddenParts
- Description
- Defines how hidden (invisible) entities in the imported geometry are processed.
- Values
- [0] Import and hide: All entities are imported; invisible entities are hidden. Note that currently there are no user tools to make these hidden entities visible again.
- [1] Import and set visible: All entities are imported and visible, regardless of the visibility in the source file.
- [2] Do not import: Hidden entities in the source file are not imported.
ACIS options
Import ACIS using built-in importer
- Name
- ImportAcisWithBricscad
- Description
- Defines importing ACIS formats using embedded routines, even when Communicator is installed.
- Values
- On/off tick box.
CATIA V5 options
Import representation
- Name
- ImportCatiaV5Representation
- Description
- Defines which data representation Communicator should import.
- Values
- 0: Graphics
- 1: Geometry
- 2: Geometry with preview graphics
Note: This option is taken into account only when import in background is enabled (COMMUNICATORBACKGROUNDMODE system variable).
Search paths preference
- Name
- ImportCatiaV5SearchPathsPreference
- Description
- Defines the priority order of search paths.
- Values
- 1: Sub-folders first.
- 2: Root folder only.
- 3: Root folder first.
Note: This option is taken into account only when import in background is enabled (COMMUNICATORBACKGROUNDMODE system variable).
Import edge attributes mode
- Name
- ImportCatiaV5EdgeAttributes
- Description
- Defines the set of edges of which the attributes (such as edge color) must be read during import.
- Values
- 0: None.
- 1: Edges that are part of wire entities.
- 2: Edges that are of part PMI (Product Manufacturing Information).
- 3: All edges.
Creo options
Alternate search paths
- Name
- ImportCreoAlternateSearchPaths
- Description
- Defines a list of alternate file system paths to be searched when importing. The value is a set of semi-colon (;) delimited, fully qualified paths.
- Values
String; if empty, the search is performed in the folder of the imported file only.
IGES options
Perform stitching
- Name
- ImportIgesStitch
- Description
In some cases, imported geometry represents solid geometry as a set of separate surfaces. Use the DMSTITCH command to work with solid operations on the imported geometry. If IMPORTIGESSTITCH is set to ON, the DMSTITCH command is executed automatically when the geometry is imported. This setting determines whether a stitch operation has to be applied to imported entities when the format of the source file is IGES.Note:
- Stitch operations are time-consuming when importing large files.
- For file formats other than IGES, the IMPORTIGESSTITCH setting applies.
- Values
- On/off tickbox.
Perform simplification
- Name
- ImportIgesSimplify
- Description
- Determines whether a DMSIMPLIFY operation has to be applied to the imported geometry when the source file format is IGESNote: For other formats, see the IMPORTIGESSTITCH setting.
- Values
- On/off tickbox.
Inventor options
Alternate search paths
- Name
- ImportInventorAlternateSearchPaths
- Description
- This setting is taken into account when Inventor files are imported. It controls the priority order of search paths during an Inventor file import.
- Values
- String; if empty, the search is performed in the folder of the imported file only.
Search paths reference
- Name
- ImportInventorSearchPathsReference
- Description
- This setting is taken into account when Inventor files are imported. The value is a set of semi-colon (;) delimited, fully qualified paths used to search for missing assembly references during product structure import operations.
- Values
- 1: Sub-folders first
- 2: Root folder only
- 3: Root folder first
JT options
Import representation
- Name
- ImportJTRepresentation
- Description
- Defines which data representation Communicator should import.
- Values
- 0: Graphics
- 1: Geometry
- 2: Geometry with graphics
NX options
Alternate search paths
- Name
- ImportNxAlternateSearchPaths
- Description
- This setting is taken into account when NX files are imported. The value is a set of semi-colon (;) delimited, fully qualified paths used to search for missing assembly references during product structure import operations.
- Values
- String; if empty, the search is performed in the folder of the imported file only.
Search path preference
- Name
- ImportNxSearchPathsPreference
- Description
- Defines the search paths priority.
- Values
- 1: Sub-folders first.
- 2: Root folder only.
- 3: Root folder first.
Note: This option is taken into account only when import in background is enabled (COMMUNICATORBACKGROUNDMODE system variable).
SolidEdge options
Alternate search paths
- Name
- ImportSolidEdgeAlternateSearchPaths
- Description
- This setting is taken into account when SolidEdge files are imported. The value is a set of semi-colon (;) delimited, fully qualified paths used to search for missing assembly references during product structure import operations.
- Values
- String; if empty, search is performed in the folder of the imported file only.
Search path preference
- Name
- ImportSolidEdgeSearchPathsPreference
- Description
- Defines the search paths priority.
- Values
- 1: Sub-folders first.
- 2: Root folder only.
- 3: Root folder first.
Note: This option is taken into account only when import in background is enabled (COMMUNICATORBACKGROUNDMODE system variable).
SolidWorks options
Import representation
- Name
- ImportSolidWorksRepresentation
- Description
- Defines which data representation Communicator should import.
- Values
- 0: Graphics
- 1: Geometry
- 2: Geometry with preview graphics
Alternate search paths
- Name
- ImportSolidWorksAlternateSearchPaths
- Description
- This setting is taken into account when SolidWork files are imported. The value is a set of semi-colon (;) delimited, fully qualified paths used to search for missing assembly references during product structure import operations.
- Values
- String; if empty, search is performed in the folder of the imported file only.
Search path preference
- Name
- ImportSolidWorksSearchPathsPreference
- Description
- Defines the search paths priority.
- Values
- 1: Sub-folders first.
- 2: Root folder only.
- 3: Root folder first.
Note: This option is taken into account only when import in background is enabled (COMMUNICATORBACKGROUNDMODE system variable).
Map SolidWorks Y to BricsCAD Z axis
- Name
- ImportSolidWorksRotateYZ
- Description
- Corrects the difference between the SolidWorks and BricsCAD coordinate systems. If unticked, imported geometry in BricsCAD is rotated by 90 degrees compared to its position in SolidWorks.
- Values
- On/off tickbox.
STEP options
Map Y to BricsCAD Z axis
- Name
- ImportStepRotateYZ
- Description
- Corrects the difference between coordinate systems in different coordinate systems, i.e. SolidWorks and BricsCAD. This can be helpful to prevent undesired rotation when the origin CAD of STEP file is known, i.e. if it is SolidWorks.
- Values
- On/off tickbox.
Export settings
Product structure
- Name
- ExportProductStructure
- Description
- Determines whether the assembly structure will be preserved in the target document or not.
- Values
- [0] No product structure: Exports a flat structure without components in the target document, whether the BricsCAD document has a product structure or not.
- [1] Export product structure: Exports the BricsCAD product structure data (if existing) to the target document.
Hidden parts
- Name
- ExportHiddenParts
- Description
- Determines if invisible entities are exported or not. Entities can be invisible because of:
- The result of the HIDEOBJECTS command.
- Sitting on a hidden layer.
- Owned by an invisible component.
- Values
- [0] Export and hide if possible: Exports hidden entities. If the target format supports hidden entities, hidden entities in the source document will be hidden also in target document.
- [1] Do not export: Invisible entities are skipped.
Export Geometry Flags
- Name
- ExportGeometryFlags
- Description
- Controls how geometry representations in IGES and STEP formats are exported. The Split Pcurves at G1 Discontinuities flag is currently supported only when exporting without product structure.
- Values
- 1: Convert Analytical Curves to Splines
- 2: Convert Analytical Surfaces to Splines
- 4: Split Pcurves at G1 Discontinuities
- 8: Split Periodic Faces
ACIS options
ACIS export format version
- Name
- ExportAcisFormatVersion
- Description
- Controls the ACIS file version to export to
- Values
- 0: Latest version
- 1: R18
- 2: R19
- 3: R20
- 4: R21
- 5: R22
- 6: R23
- 7: R24
- 8: R25
- 9: 2016
- 10: 2017
- 11: 2018
- 12: 2019
- 13: 2020
- 14: 2021
- 15: 2022
ASAT/ASAB writer
- Name
- ExportAcisAssemblyWriter
- Description
- Controls the writer used to save ASAT/ASAB files. The internal ASAT/ASAB writer used if the Communicator is not installed.
- Values
- 0: Communicator ASAT/ASAB writer
- 1: Internal ASAT/ASAB writer
CATIA options
CATIA V4 export format version
- Name
- ExportCatiav4FormatVersion
- Description
- Controls CATIA V4 file version to export to.
- Values
- [0]: Latest available
- [1]: 4.1.9
- [2]: 4.2.0
- [3]: 4.2.1
- [4]: 4.2.2
- [5]: 4.2.3
- [6]: 4.2.4
CATIA V5 export format version
- Name
- ExportCatiav5FormatVersion
- Description
- Controls CATIA V5 file version to export to.
- Values
- [0]: Latest available
- [1]: CATIA V5 R16
- [2]: CATIA V5 R17
- [3]: CATIA V5 R18
- [4]: CATIA V5 R19
- [5]: CATIA V5 R20
- [6]: CATIA V5 R21
- [7]: CATIA V5 R22
- [8]: CATIA V5 R23
- [9]: CATIA V5 R24
- [10]: CATIA V5 R25
- [11]: CATIA V5-6 R2016
- [12]: CATIA V5-6 R2017
- [13]: CATIA V5-6 R2018
- [14]: CATIA V5-6 R2019
- [15]: CATIA V5-6 R2020
- [16]: CATIA V5-6 R2021
- [17]: CATIA V5-6 R2022
Parasolid options
Parasolid export format version
- Name
- ExportParasolidFormatVersion
- Description
- Controls the Parasolid file version to export to.
- Values
0: Latest available
1: Parasolid 12
2: Parasolid 13
3: Parasolid 14
4: Parasolid 15
5: Parasolid 16
6: Parasolid 17
7: Parasolid 18
8: Parasolid 19
9: Parasolid 20
10: Parasolid 21
11: Parasolid 22
12: Parasolid 23
13: Parasolid 24
14: Parasolid 25
15: Parasolid 26
16: Parasolid 27
17: Parasolid 28
18: Parasolid 29
19: Parasolid 30
20: Parasolid 31
21: Parasolid 32
22: Parasolid 33
23: Parasolid 34
STEP options
STEP export format version
- Name
- ExportStepFormatVersion
- Description
- Allows you to select the available specifications of the STEP format.
- Values
- [0] AP203: Selects AP203 protocol.
- [1] AP214: Selects AP214 protocol.
- [2] AP242: Selects AP242 protocol.
XCGM options
XCGM export format version
- Name
- ExportXcgmFormatVersion
- Description
- Controls the XCGM file version to export to.
- Values
- [0]: Latest available
- [1]: CGM R2013x
- [2]: CGM R2014
- [3]: CGM R2014x
- [4]: CGM R2015x B1
- [5]: CGM R2015x B5
- [6]: CGM R2015x B5 SP1
- [7]: CGM R2016 1.0
- [8]: CGM R2016 1.1
- [9]: CGM R2017 1.0
- [10]: CGM R2017 1.1
- [11]: CGM R2018 1.0
- [12]: CGM R2018 1.1
- [13]: CGM R2019 1.0
- [14]: CGM R2020 1.0
- [15]: CGM R2021 1.0
- [16]: CGM R2022 1.0
3D PDF options
3D PDF writer
- Name
- Export3dpdfWriter
- Description
- Controls the writer used to save 3D PDF files.
- Values
- [0]: Communicator 3D PDF writer
- [1]: Internal 3D PDF writer