Propagates a single element on a flat surface to multiple locations and grids.

It propagates: lights, light switches, windows, air diffusers, etc.
Select planar solid to which detail is related and the detail entities to be propagated.
It can be used to copy objects to similar locations or over a certain pattern or grid on top of a planar solid.
Note: The detail area to be copied is displayed in blue. The reference contact area is displayed in purple.
You can accept or reject suggestions by clicking on the tick.
- A green check mark means that the suggestion will be applied.
- A question mark means that the suggestion will not be applied due to one of several possible reasons.
- A red X mark means that the suggestion will not be applied.
Note: Hover over the tick to toggle between Similar location and Grid options.
Options within the command
- Inflate first
- Expands the sensitive zone to include similar solids which are not connected yet in the model. The edges of the initially detected detail are moved outward over a specified distance.
- Save detail
- Displays the Save Drawing As dialog box, which allows you to save the detail.