FLIPLINE command
Creates a line, used to flip the entities of a block.

This command is used with 2D parametric blocks.
The FLIPLINE command allows you to draw a line used as a reference axis for flipping the selected entities of the block.
The command will automatically create a special type of parameter and will associate it to the flip line entity. This parameter has two possible values: Not Flipped and Flipped.
- Creating a flip line is equivalent to drawing a line using the LINE command. For more info about using the FLIPLINE command, see the article 2D parametric blocks.
- Creating a flip line on an entity already affected by an existing flip line can lead to unexpected behavior.
Options within the command
- Select entities to flip
- Lets you select which entities should be flipped. The constraints affecting the selected entities will not be flipped.
- flip Everything
- Selects all entities in the drawing for flipping. The constraints group will be flipped as well.
To flip the block, change the value of the flip parameter:
- select the parametric block and click the flip parameter's grip.
- access this parameter in the Parameters Manager panel.
- select the block and open the Properties panel, in the Parameters section.
When the flip parameter is set to Not Flipped, the block is in its default configuration, as it was drawn. When the flip parameter value is changed to Flipped, the block is flipped around the flip line.
Note: Use the FLIPLINEEDIT command to edit a flip operation.
- The parametric block operation geometries are visible by default after these are created, but hidden when opening a drawing that contains parametric blocks. Use the PBLOCKOPERATIONSDISPLAY command to hide/show the parametric block operation geometries.
- The visualization of the parametric operation geometries when hovering the cursor over parametric block references is controlled by the PBLOCKREFERENCEOPERATIONSVISUALIZATION system variable (Off by default).