Defines a parameter to be used by a move operation on entities of a parametric block.

Alias: PMOVE
This command is used with 2D parametric blocks and allows you to move entities in a block reference.
Specify the base point and the second point of displacement, then select the entities which will be affected by the move operation.
Note: The command works similarly to the PARAMETRICSTRETCH command, whose workflow is described in the article 2D parametric blocks.
Note: You can define parametric move, stretch, and rotate operations in non-XY planes after changing the UCS.
Options within the command
- Base point of displacement
- Allows you to select a location point for the origin of the move vector.
- Second point of displacement
- Allows you to select a location point for the head of the move vector.
- Select entities which can be affected by the operation
- Allows you to edit the selection of entities to be affected by the move operation. All selected entities will be highlighted.
- change Linked behavior
- Allows you to decide whether the selected entities will follow operation definition points when adjusted by other operations. The OFf option corresponding to the not linked behavior is set as default for newly created parametric operations. Select ON to set the behavior as linked.
Note: When affected by a parametric stretch operation, linked parametric move operations behave differently from their unlinked variant.
- Enter name for the action parameter
- Allows you to give a name to the move parameter. The default name is Move.
The block entities that were selected will have their position adjusted according to the new value of the move parameter.
The appearance of the block can be controlled by changing the value of the parameter associated with the operation:
- Select the parametric block and drag the parameter's grip point (hover the cursor over the grip point to display the current value of the parameter).
- Access this parameter in the Parameters Manager panel / Mechanical Browser panel.
Note: Use the PARAMETRICMOVEEDIT command to edit a move operation.
- The parametric block operation geometries are visible by default after these are created, but hidden when opening a drawing that contains parametric blocks. Use the PBLOCKOPERATIONSDISPLAY command to hide/show the parametric block operation geometries.
- The visualization of the parametric operation geometries when hovering the cursor over parametric block references is controlled by the PBLOCKREFERENCEOPERATIONSVISUALIZATION system variable (Off by default).