PARAMETRICOFFSET command (Experimental)

Defines a parameter to be used by an offset operation on curves of a parametric block.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM




Parametric Offset is an experimental feature which may not yet be stable, and could be removed in the future. Use the MANAGEEXPERIMENTALFEATURES command to enable or disable experimental features.

The Experimental mode is disabled by default. Enabling or disabling the Experimental mode requires a restart of BricsCAD.


This command is used with 2D parametric blocks and allows you to offset planar curves in a block reference.


Select one or more planar curves and specify an offset distance.

Note: The command works similarly to the PARAMETRICSTRETCH command, whose workflow is described in the article 2D parametric blocks.

Options within the command

Select curves
Selects the planar curves to be affected by the offset operation.
Offset distance
Specifies the distance between the original entity and its parallel copy.
Through point
Specifies the offset distance by picking a point in the drawing area.
Enter name for the operation parameter
Allows you to give a name to the offset parameter. The default name is Offset.
The appearance of the block can be controlled by changing the value of the parameter associated with the operation:
  • Select the parametric block and drag the parameter's grip point (hover the cursor over the grip point to display the current value of the parameter).
  • Access this parameter in the Parameters Manager panel / Mechanical Browser panel.
Note: Use the PARAMETRICOFFSETEDIT command to edit an offset operation.
  • The parametric block operation geometries are visible by default after these are created, but hidden when opening a drawing that contains parametric blocks. Use the PBLOCKOPERATIONSDISPLAY command to hide/show the parametric block operation geometries.
  • The visualization of the parametric operation geometries when hovering the cursor over parametric block references is controlled by the PBLOCKREFERENCEOPERATIONSVISUALIZATION system variable (Off by default).