Displays the Point Clouds category of the Drawing Explorer:
Option within the Drawing Explorer
Reports the name of the Point Cloud file insert.
Toggles loading of the Point Cloud file.
On: loads the Point Cloud, and makes it visible
Off: unloads the Point Cloud, making it invisible
Reports the size of the Point Cloud file. Very large files can slow down the system.
Reports the number of times the Point Cloud is attached to the drawing.
Saved Path
Reports the original path to the Point Cloud file when first loaded. When the path cannot be found, click the Browse button which will display the Choose a File dialog box and locate the missing Point Cloud file.
Found Path
Reports the current path to the Point Cloud file. This path should match the Saved Path in most cases.
Context menu options
Attaches a Point Cloud file to the current drawing, like the POINTCLOUDATTACH command.
Removes the selected Point Cloud from the current drawing.
Inserts additional copies of the existing Point Cloud files into the drawing; displays the Attach Point Cloud dialog box, like the POINTCLOUDATTACH command.