Manages Point Cloud files.
Displays the Point Clouds category of the Drawing Explorer:
Option within the Drawing Explorer
- Name
- Reports the name of the Point Cloud file insert.
- Load
Toggles loading of the Point Cloud file.
- On: loads the Point Cloud, and makes it visible
- Off: unloads the Point Cloud, making it invisible
- Size
- Reports the size of the Point Cloud file. Very large files can slow down the system.
- References
- Reports the number of times the Point Cloud is attached to the drawing.
- Saved Path
- Reports the original path to the Point Cloud file when first loaded. When the path cannot be found, click the Browse button which will display the Choose a File dialog box and locate the missing Point Cloud file.
- Found Path
- Reports the current path to the Point Cloud file. This path should match the Saved Path in most cases.
Context menu options
- New
- Attaches a Point Cloud file to the current drawing, like the POINTCLOUDATTACH command.
- Delete
- Removes the selected Point Cloud from the current drawing.
- Insert
- Inserts additional copies of the existing Point Cloud files into the drawing; displays the Attach Point Cloud dialog box, like the POINTCLOUDATTACH command.
- Select all
- Selects all Point Clouds.
- Invert selection
- Deselects the current selection and vice versa.
- Run extended search for missing attachments
- Runs an extended search for missing attachments.