Assigns classes to each point in a point cloud.

- The Point Cloud Classifier runs on Windows only.
- Your system's GPU needs to be CUDA compatible.Note: You can check if your GPU is CUDA compatible here.
- Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.
Preparing the classifier libraries
- Download the classifier libraries from here.
- Unzip the archive.
- Copy the content of the folder to the BricsCAD installation folder:
- Select all the DLL files and the UserDataCache folder inside the classifier libraries, then drag and drop these over the installation folder. All the DLL files will be copied, and the UserDataCache folder will be updated, with the PCC models folder copied inside it.
- Alternatively, you can first copy and paste all the DLL files inside the classifier libraries to the installation folder, then copy and paste the PCC models folder to the UserDataCache folder inside the installation folder.
The BricsCAD installation folder's default path is: C:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V25 en_US.
Important: You need to re-run BricsCAD after you copy the classifier libraries.
If all the above requirements are met and libraries correctly copied, the POINTCLOUDCLASSIFY command will run the classifier.
When the command is called and the model is selected, the classifier will run in the background and the results will appear in the Point Cloud Manager panel when ready.
Note: Use the POINTCLOUDMANAGERPANELOPEN command to open the Point Cloud Manager panel.

There are 4 different models to use with the classifier:
- indoorBasic: 10 basic classes for indoor scans (walls, ceiling, floor, windows, doors, clutter, etc.).
- indoorSimplified: model with 20 classes for indoor scans (basic classes + Inclined roof, Roof Equipment, Steel structure, Railing, etc.).
- indoorFull: model with 40 classes for indoor scans (simplified classes + Pipe installation, Wire installation, Radiator, Plumbing, etc.).
- Outdoor: model with 5 classes for outdoor scans (Terrain, Vegetation, Building, Paved road - hardscape, Noise).
Note: For indoor models, the results will be more accurate if room information is available. To obtain room information, follow these steps:
- Generate section volumes containing different floors of the building using the POINTCLOUDDETECTFLOORS command. The vertical boundaries of the sections might not be accurate, so adjust them if needed. The section volumes should contain the floor and the ceiling of the building story.
- Select one of the generated sections and run the POINTCLOUDDETECTROOMS command to detect different rooms in the selected floor. The results will appear under Building in the Point Cloud Manager panel.
Options within the command
- Select model
- Allows you to select one of the classification models.
- Select classification mode
- Allows you to select the preset configuration for the classifier.