DIM1 Command
Executes a single dimension command at the 'Dimensioning command:' prompt.

Allows you to create a single type of dimension, as specified in the Command line.
Options within the command
- HORizontal
- Places horizontal linear dimensions, as does the DIMLINEAR command.
- VErtical
- Places vertical dimensions, as does the DIMLINEAR command.
- ALigned
- Places linear dimensions that are aligned to entities, as does the DimAligned command.
- ANgular
- Places angular dimensions that measure angles, as does the DIMANGULAR command.
- Leader
- Places leaders, as does the DIMLEADER command.
- OBlique
- Changes the angle of extension lines, as does the DIMEDIT command.
- ROtated
- Places linear dimensions at an angle, as does the DIMLINEAR command.
- CEnter
- Places marks at the centers of circles and arcs, as does the DIMCENTER command.
- Diameter
- Places diameter dimensions on circles and arcs, as does the DIMDIAMETER command.
- RAdius
- Places radial dimensions on circles and arcs, as does the DIMRADIUS command.
- Baseline
- Places multiple linear and angular dimensions from the same base point, as does the DIMBASELINE command.
- COntinue
- Continues linear and angular dimensions from the last endpoint, as does the DIMCONTINUE command.
- ORdinate
- Places x and y ordinate measurements from an origin point, as does the DIMORDINATE command.
- Position
- Repositions the dimension text, as does the DIMTEDIT command.
- DIStribute
- Equally spaces the selected dimensions. There are two options to choose from on how the dimensions will be distributed.
- Equal
- Equally distributes all the selected dimensions.
- Offset
- All the selected dimensions are distributed at a specified offset distance.
- UPdate dimensions
- Applies the current dimension style to a selection of dimension entities; see the Apply option of the -DIMSTYLE command.
- variable STatus
- Lists in the Prompt History window the status of all dimension variables.
- OVerride
- Overrides the values of the current dimension style, as does the DIMOVERRIDE command.
- SEttings...
- Opens the Drawing Explorer | Dimension Styles dialog box which allows you to modify dimension styles, as does the DIMSTYLE command.
- LAyer
- Sets a different layer as the default layer on which the dimensions are drawn.