Opens the Blocks category of the Drawing Explorer dialog box for inserting, deleting, and creating blocks.
Alias: XB
Displays the Blocks category of the Drawing Explorer dialog box:
Context Menu Options
Creates new blocks; dismisses the Drawing Explorer dialog box, and the starts the -BLOCK command.
Deletes the block definition; available only for those block definitions not inserted in the drawing.
Removes unused block definition.
Inserts the selected block; dismisses the Drawing Explorer dialog box, and the starts the -INSERT command.
Insert External
Inserts DWG files as blocks; starts the INSERT command, and then displays the Insert Block dialog box.
Save Block
Exports the selected block as a DWG file; displays the Save Block dialog box.
Opens the Block Replace dialog box to choose another block to replace.
Replace with Xref...
Opens the Select an Xref file dialog box to choose an Xref file to replace.
Add to Current Toolpalette
Adds the block to the current Tool Palettes.
Displays the Drawing Explorer Options dialog box to align, set the scale or the rotation of the inserted blocks.
Align with view
When checked, inserts the block to face the camera (blocks are rotated about their local Z-axis to face the camera).
Renames the selected block.
Note: Parametric blocks cannot be cut, copied or renamed.
Select All
Selects all blocks definitions.
Invert Selection
Inverts the selected blocks. For instance, if you have one block selected, then this option deselects it, and then selects all other blocks.
Options within the columns
Block Name
Specifies the name of the block.
When checked, sets the Annotative property.
Match Orientation to Layout
When checked, sets the Match Orientation property of annotative blocks.
Face Camera
When checked, inserts the block to face the camera (blocks are rotated about their local Z-axis to face the camera). See the CAMERA command.
When checked, blocks of this definition can be exploded into its component parts by the EXPLODE command. Non-Uniformly scaled blocks can be exploded only if EXPLMODE system variable is ON.
Reports the number of visible block inserts on all nested levels and, under the brackets, the total number of block inserts in the current drawing; the numbers are set by the program, so you cannot change it.
Note: The total number of block inserts includes block references on frozen or switched-off layers.
Insertion Point
Reports the insertion point of the block; reports "Varies" when the block has been inserted in the drawing more than once.